Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December Padkos

Bible Reading Plans For 2015 – this list is from the Ligonier site. I like the look of the in depth one on Matthew. But they are all going to be good!


10 Questions to ask at New Year/Your Birthday – I like the idea of looking back…and then looking forward. “So let’s evaluate our lives, make plans and goals, and live this new year with biblical diligence, remembering that, “The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage” (Proverbs 21:5). But in all things let’s also remember our dependence on our King who said, “Apart from Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).”


10 Reasons For Writing Letters   Oh yes yes and YES!


God’s ‘Small Still Voice’ Great article with significant insight.


Distractions Impairing Spiritual Growth

“There are plenty of things we can worry about or lust after today, aren't there? To fight this battle, I must constantly remind myself that this world is not my home. But I must also be faithful to pray for those who are so distracted by the world that they have missed the only One who will truly satisfy the longings of their hearts.”

“…dealing decisively with anything that pulls us away from what's supremely important—knowing Christ. I find the battle is ongoing as I strive to keep good things in their proper place, such as smart phones, Internet, entertainment, Facebook, Twitter, exercise, work, children and grandchildren, home repairs, meal preparation, laundry, being occupied with worldly affairs, and so on. Even things that are very good must not keep us from what is best for our souls.”

“We can be distracted by things we're sincerely doing to please Jesus. Good things.But Jesus doesn't want us to be doing for Him at the expense of being with Him.”

“Finally, God wants to teach us how to be at rest in the midst of the chaos and confusion of this world. That's what God is drilling down more deeply in me these days. Regardless of what distractions, pressures, trials, or sufferings are coming at me at any given moment, my heart will only be truly at rest when it's fixed on Christ. The more I put my trust in God's goodness and sovereign control over every circumstance of my life, the less unexpected or hard things can steal the peace or joy I have been given in Christ.”

Evil Spirits and Electricity Problems – Africa, what is the ‘real’ problem?


How Salvation Brings Freedom – Jen Wilkin. “Salvation from sin can be broken down into three categories: justification, sanctification and glorification. For the believer, our justification was, our sanctification is, and our glorification is to come. We were saved, we are being saved, we will be saved.”

Which Promises Are For Me? – Jen Wilkin. Good one! “Not many things are more comforting than a promise made and kept. And not many things are more hurtful than a promise broken. Knowing we worship a God who keeps his promises is a source of deep joy. But misapplied, this knowledge can also lead us to treasure-hunt Scripture for promises in problematic ways. How can we know which promises are for us? How can we lay claim to the promises of the Bible without overstepping their application?”


4 Seasons When You Will Face Temptation  John Owens/Tim Challis

A Dangerous Passion For Growth


How to Change Your Mind  A different Bible ‘Reading Plan’


The Lure of Self Promotion 

“This doesn’t mean we can never cultivate the unique talents and personalities that He has given us. It is certainly possible to use our gifts to glorify God (in fact, that is why He gave them to us in the first place!). But first, we must ask some critical questions: Am I doing this for His glory or for my own applause? When people see this part of my life, are they drawn closer to Jesus, or are they merely impressed with me?

If we are more concerned with what others think of us than what they think of Jesus, then we have not learned how to be a faithful “friend of the Bridegroom,” as John the Baptist was. If we are pursuing our dreams in order to get what we want out of life rather than to lead others to the Source of true life, we are missing a crucial part of Christianity.”


When Risking it All for God Means Staying Where You Are 

Well written and to the point.  “As I’m reading Scripture, I see countless stories of men and women whose biggest challenge is not stepping out to go and follow God but continuing to follow Him.”

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