Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Padkos - June 2021

 Why do You Want to be Loved by God? APJ

'We are unworthy of the cross. Yet, because of the cross, we are worthy. That is the paradox at the heart of the Christian faith: our worth is not in what we own, what we do, or how hard we try. It is found only in the death of Christ. The Worthy One, the Son of God, laid aside his glory to take our sin upon him. He was crucified for the unworthy, the undeserving. By his sacrifice, he crowns us with worth, showing that he loves us at the infinite cost of his own life. In this new edition of the song “My Worth Is Not in What I Own” (featuring We Are Messengers), John Piper points us again to the foot of the cross, where we find our worth in the Savior who gave himself for us'.

Music video from the 'Sing' Conference HERE Pastor John with the Gettys and 'We Are Messengers'

The longer Piper message HERE

7 Lessons For Productivity - APJ 

How do I live the Authentic Christian Life. APJ

Padkos - May 2023

  'A Cry of Grief' - Philip Yancey