Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Padkos - May 2017

Four Signs Food Has Become An Idol - APJ  (- I think these 4 points are a good starting places for measuring to see if any other good gift in my life has become or is becoming an idol. -)

6 Things To Know About The Wrath of God

Embrace The Life You Have

Don't Waste Your Mornings - APJ

God's Work in Your Depression - APJ

70 Prompts For Praising God

The Fierce Fruit of Self Control - John Piper   "But the Christian way of self-control is not “Just say no!” The problem is with the word “just.” You don’t just say no. You say no in a certain way: You say no by faith in the superior power and pleasure of Christ. It is just as ruthless. And may be just as painful. But the difference between worldly self-control and godly self-control is crucial. Who will get the glory for victory? That’s the issue. Will we get the glory? Or will Christ get the glory? If we exercise self-control by faith in Christ’s superior power and pleasure, Christ will get the glory."

You Become What You Eat - Jon Bloom

5 Questions to ask a book before you read it - Tim Challis

10 Questions to ask of your entertainment - Kevin Halloran

Here's a particularly good one - A New Frame of Mind - "A transformed mind is a mind that is saturated by Scripture, able to discern between right and wrong--as well as between right and nearly right. Such a mind is filled with biblical principles which always yields biblical peace and practice."

Arming Yourself with the Purpose to Suffer - John Piper 1 Peter 4 : 1-6
"The word from the Lord for us this morning is: Arm yourselves with the purpose to suffer for righteousness' sake if that should be God's will. The pieces in this armor that support us and encourage us and sustain us are:
Piece #1: Christ, the one we love and follow suffered.
Piece #2: When we suffer, we make a clean break with sin.
Piece #3: Any amount of past sinning is sufficient. It's enough.
Piece #4: The adversaries will be brought to justice.
Piece #5: We who embrace the gospel will triumph over death.
There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Follow him this week, wherever he leads, whatever it costs."

Padkos - May 2023

  'A Cry of Grief' - Philip Yancey