Saturday, April 16, 2016

Beautiful words, quoted from the article 'Your Hospital Visit Is Coming' by Joni Eareckson Tada posted on the Desiring God blog

"Crying was out. There was no one around to wipe my tears. So I decided to comfort my soul with a hymn. In no more than a whisper, I sang a favorite from church choir:
          Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side. 
          Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain. 
          Leave to thy God to order and provide; 
          In every change he faithful will remain. 
          Be still, my soul: thy best, thy heavenly Friend 
          Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end! 
I was only seventeen years old, or maybe eighteen, but that moment defined how I would engage life in a hospital. My stay would not be a jail sentence. Come hell or high water, I determined that this hospital would be, well, a gymnasium for my soul, a proving ground for my faith, and a mission field for God."

Friday, April 1, 2016

Padkos - March 2016

The Downward Spiral of My Miscontent

5 Prayers to Pray For Your Husband

What Should We Pray For?

Inject Your Prayer List With Life

Did You Expect Your Marriage To Be Easy?

Contagion Of Complaint - Seditious Sin of Grumbling Part 2

Can Griping Be Godly? - Seditious Sin of Grumbling Part 3

Jerry Bridges - a Life of Faith - Audio

Why We Must Earnestly Desire Spiritual Gifts - Jon Bloom

How To Please A Holy God

The Doctrine of Election Saved Me From Depression

10 Marks of an Immature Believer

5 Steps For effective Prayer - Timothy Keller

The Root of Mental Health - John Piper

Scripture Memory - David Mathis

What We Should Pray For - John Piper

Exercising An Idle Mind - Kelly Needham  "Many things knock at the door of our mind, but few are worth letting in."

Why Don't We Follow All The OT Laws?

Hobbies -

Hobbies to the Glory of God - Tim Challis

Hobbies - Gift or God? - " Above my desk, in my office, I have a framed picture that my wonderfully creative wife made for me that has pictures of books, coffee beans, and a few quotes. Knowing that my hobbies are reading, writing, and the quest for the perfect cup of coffee, in the middle of that picture is a quote from Jonathan Edwards. The quote from his “Resolutions,” says, “Resolved, never to lose one moment of time; but improve it the most profitable way I possibly can.” Underneath this quote is Paul’s admonition to the church in Ephesians 5:15-16, “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making he best use of the time, because the days are evil""

How Hobbies Glorify God (audio) John Piper

Padkos - May 2023

  'A Cry of Grief' - Philip Yancey