Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Monday, November 2, 2015
Padkos–October 2015
The Battle Larger Than A Culture War – Trevin Wax “The character of God’s kingdom people in a secular age must be holy. For this reason, the battle against fleshly desires is always bigger than any cultural battle.”
Speck Removing – John Piper “ So when Danny asks, “How can we ever know with certainty that we see clearly enough to take the specks out of another person’s eyes?” my answer is, “Certainty is not the issue here, Danny. Humility, Scripture, prayer, and love are the issue. God has set up the church so that imperfect, fallible, even uncertain people are called upon to rescue each other. Don’t let uncertainty excuse you from obedience. If someone is drowning and you can swim, but you are not certain you would have enough strength to pull them all the way back to the land, and there is no other way to save them, what does love do? Don’t make a god out of certainty. It may prove to be a cloak for fear of drowning.”
Consistent Spiritual Discipline – Not Legalism - John Piper Excerpt from a 1991 sermon…might as well have been last weekend!
Frequently Abused Verses – God’s Goodness Leads to Repentance – Grace To You blog “It is impossible to preach the goodness of God without talking about sin and judgment because its very meaning is bound up in those terms. When we see our sinfulness and rebellion against God, and when we see our hypocrisy in condemning others for committing the same wrath-deserving sins, then we can also marvel at God’s goodness in patiently and tolerantly withholding the wrath that we deserve.”
Is The Social Gospel The Whole Gospel? – Grace To You Blog “So where does that leave works of social justice such as feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, and caring for the oppressed? No one would argue that they are bad things to do. Indeed James defines them as integral to pure religion (James 1:27). But do those acts of mercy have any role to play in a person’s salvation?”
The Trinity – RC Sproul I’ve never heard the Trinity explained like this…
Christian Art – Why? – Mark Altrogge
Early Warning Signs of AOC - Stephen Altrogge
Maturing Well, Not Aging – Barnabas Piper
GK Chesterton Engaging With Culture - Trevin Wax “Chesterton was a big man (in more ways than one) who made a big splash. How did he engage his culture and why does he still matter? I offer four reasons:”
Book Review – Stop Your Complaining – Tim Challis “If you read a book like this one and come away with two simple things—a deeper disgust of complaining and a heightened desire for gratitude—your time has been well-spent. And I think that is what you will find if you read it.Stop Your Complaining is short but not trite, light but still significant. It’s exactly the book I needed today.” [reminded me of Jerry Benjamin’s book on ‘Murmuring’]
When Depression Descends – John Piper Audio (full message HERE)
Memorizing an Entire Book – Andy Naselli (includes Vimeo link to video)
Don’t Coddle Your Fears – Jon Bloom
7 Ways to Grow Without Seminary – Nancy Guthrie
19 Turning Points – Justin Taylor
Glorify God in Grey Areas – Grace To You blog
Mysticism – FAQ – Justin Taylor
Padkos - May 2023
'A Cry of Grief' - Philip Yancey
God Is at Work in Your Unremarkable Days “Let the unremarkable years of Genesis speak to you. A few days of your life are remarkable, con...
We are apt to say, “It is not at all likely that having been through the greatest crisis of my life I would now turn back to the things of ...
I'm sure most of you don't know this, but I am a scrapbooker. Better defined as a digital scrapbooker. By that I mean that I do all ...